One day i went to vinnys shop. he sells video games. so i thought that i can buy my favorite game. sonic 2. which is a real game. i loved it. but i threw it away in trash, so now i dont have it anymore. but i went to vinny s shp an bhought it he asnwerd and shed; ithid geam is hunted. here you go it s free, I thin khe said it was a giclth happns all the tim. so the cart had b,lood on it so it was weird but its a bug. so i put it in my pc and played it. it was werd becasue there was blood. it started wiht a weird... sega screen. but instead it said evil and made a satan noise. so i started it and sonic was bleeding blood. and tails wasnt there. he just wasnt.
sonic had blood on his hands. it was werd. but i played it anyways. the points were kills. the rings were blood. it was oddd. Tails was a torsa that sonic crarrried. it was sad. i creid.i felt sad. THE GAME TURNED balck for some reason. for 33 seconds; there was a face that was weird. the face moved out the genisis and killed my dog. i camed and killed the face.
i was scared for life. i will never trust vinny angain.
maybe hes satin.

The Aftermath

When i ruthernd the game satan cme outt he cartridge and said scary things like 666.

the end

''Originally uploaded to Spinpasta Wikia by "Thebestcreepypastawriter." Based on his username, I'm surprised I, Da Cashman even had to redirect this to Trollpasta Wikia, but I did.''